Breathing Air and Light

Breathing air is actually a reflex. It is the strongest need our body has to continue life in the physical form. We do this automatically. Breathing light, however, requires conscious effort. I try to take in as much light, I possibly can, with every breath I take. Light, represents to me: God, unconditional love, and universal life force energy. In hopes this light will cleanse my soul, and feed my spirit; I try to breathe air and light.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ever Illusive (Letting Go and Letting God)

Letting Go and Letting God is, generally, an easy practice in every day life. It is when our boat gets rocked, that we find this process difficult. I spent Saturday night in the ER with my partner, Judy. The diagnosis is still outstanding, but the after loosing 3 family members last year, my thoughts wandered to thinking the worst. I also found my patience becoming very short as I shopped for gowns and house shoes to take back to the hospital. I fought not to become rude when interacting with people working the stores I was shopping in, knowing they did not understand my haste. Recognizing my attempts to find a sense of control in this situation, I wrote this poem.

Ever Illusive

As I walk along my path, I hit a slippery slope.

My feet attempt to grasp their hold, my mind reaches for hope.

In search for explanations found, my chaotic thoughts become a yoke.

I slip, I slide, I fall, I drown in senseless revelations.

I land upon more sturdy ground, through surrender to your direction.

New path revealed; new path followed with anticipation.

Deborah Ann Brodt